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Call for Submissions

AASP 2025 @ Monash University Malaysia Submission Guidelines


Deadline for Submission:

2nd February, 2025

(end of day, last time zone of the world)






To facilitate your submission preparation, we suggest you download the Word template above, which includes detailed instructions and a template for the submission information.


Submission review will start in late November of 2024 and acceptances will be sent out on a "rolling" basis. We look forward to seeing your submissions, and hope to see your contributions at the conference in Malaysia!


Submission Policy


Individuals can submit up to two abstracts across all submission types (single paper presentation, symposium, poster presentation) as a speaker (or chair + speaker for a symposium). There is no limitation in participation as discussant in a symposium or co-author across all submission types.


All speakers (presenting authors, chairs and discussants) should be paid registrants of the conference.


Abstracts can only be submitted via the online abstract submission platform. 




For symposium submissions, the Symposium Chair should integrate all presentations of the symposium into one submission. A Chair can also be a presentation speaker.


To withdraw submitted abstracts, contact authors can contact the AASP2023 Secretariat at


Live Hybrid Mode: At submission time, the mode of presentation (online or in-person) does not need to be decided. At the time of registration (please check the website for the registration deadline), presenters can decide if they will opt for an online-only or in-person presentation. Note that for online presenters in other time zones, presenters should be prepared to present “live” during the conference presentation programme, Malaysian time, 9am-6pm, July 10-12.


Submission Types



A symposium is a 60-minute session (subject to change depending on the number of submissions) consisting of three to four individual presentations. One or two discussant(s) can also be included. The Symposium Chair is encouraged to invite presenters from different institutions, and preferably from different nations. Should the submitted symposium not be accepted, participating authors may be offered the option to contribute a poster presentation instead. Symposia can include a mix of online and in-person speakers.


Single paper presentation

Single paper submissions allow the accepted authors to give a 12-15-minute oral presentation of their research at the conference. The Scientific Committee will review and group single paper submissions into paper sessions, each of which will include three to four presentations. Single paper submissions will also be considered for poster presentation unless authors opt not to be. Presenters may be online or in person.


Poster presentation

Poster presentations provide interactive discussions between presenters and attendees. Thus, authors should be present at the poster session during the designated time. Please note that posters may only be presented in person, as an online option is not available.


Guidelines for Symposium


To submit a symposium, you’ll need to enter the following information.

  1. Symposium Title: A succinct title that describes the main topic of the symposium (Up to 100 characters, including spaces) 

  2. Full Symposium Abstract (up to 300 words) 

  3. Presentation Titles and Full Abstracts  for all presentations (up to 100 characters for each title and up to 300 words for each Full Abstract)

  4. Poster Option: In case there is no availability in the programme for the symposium, are you aware your submissions may be considered for a Poster presentation [Yes / No]? (Before submitting, the Symposium Chair must check whether each presenter wishes to participate in a poster presentation if the symposium is not accepted.)

  5. Presenter/Authors Information

- Chair (required): Name, Affiliation, Status (Student or Faculty/Professional), Email address, Country/Region

- Co-Chair (optional): Name, Affiliation, Status (Student or Faculty/Professional), Email address, Country/Region

- Speakers 1, 2, 3, 4 (4th presenter is optional): Name, Affiliation, Status (Student or Faculty/Professional), Email address, Country/Region

- Co-author(s) (for each presentation): Name, Affiliation

- Discussants 1, 2 (Optional): Name, Affiliation, Status (Student or Faculty/Professional), Email address, Country/Region

- Research topic: Select two to five options from the topic list that best describes the main content of the symposium (see below).


​Guidelines for Single Paper and Poster Presentation Submissions


Proposals for single paper & poster presentations must include the following information.

  1. Title: A succinct title that describes the main topic of research (up to 100 characters, including spaces)

  2. Full Abstract (up to 300 words)

  3. Author Information

- Speaker (First author): Name, Affiliation, Status (Student or Faculty/Professional),  Email address, Country/Region

- Co-author(s): Name, Affiliation

- Research topic: Select two to five options from the topic list that best describe the main content of the presentation (see below)

   4. Poster Option (for Single Paper submission): In case there is not room in the programme for your paper presentation, are you aware your submission may be considered for a Poster presentation [Yes / No]? (Single paper submissions are also considered for poster presentation unless authors opt for them not to be.)


Research topics for Submission


  1. Aggression

  2. Aging

  3. Antisocial Behavior

  4. Attitudes/Persuasion

  5. Close Relationships

  6. Coaching/Counseling/Clinical Applications

  7. Community Psychology

  8. Criminal Psychology

  9. Cultural/Cross-cultural Psychology

  10. Diversity

  11. Educational Psychology

  12. Emotion

  13. Evolutionary Psychology

  14. Group Processes

  15. Intergroup Relations

  16. Interpersonal Relationships

  17. Law/Forensic Science

  18. Measurement/Quantitative Psychology

  19. Mental Health/Well-Being

  20. Military Psychology

  21. Moral Psychology and Values

  22. Motivation

  23. Organizational Behavior

  24. Personality/Individual Differences

  25. Political Psychology

  26. Positive Psychology

  27. Prosocial Behavior

  28. Psychology of Gender

  29. Psychology of Minority Groups

  30. Research Methods

  31. Self/Identity

  32. Social Cognition

  33. Social Development

  34. Social Influence

  35. Social Issues

  36. Social Neuroscience

  37. Social Status/Power

  38. Sports Psychology

  39. Stereotypes/Prejudice/ Discrimination

  40. Teaching of Psychology

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